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Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Ok je sais ce que vous allez me dire, "j'ai une collection rétro qui déchire, patati patata, et grace à NintAndBox, j'ai pu encore plus l'embellir en habillant mes pauvres jeux en loose, merci je vous suis redevable sur 10 générations". Ah ouais ? Alors prouvez le ici, postez vos photos et frimez devant la galerie !

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par y(oYo) » 29 Mai 2018, 08:31

Amazing work Sjaaks !
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Sjaaks » 29 Mai 2018, 09:12

Thanks y(oYo)! It's an absolute joy to help expand and improve the NintAndBox library!

A minute ago i published another box restore. Galaga was one of the highest priority requests for NES files. I tend to do restores which people request the most, so here's another one. Many, many parts are completely vectorized in Illustrator, so it's considered a full restore (101%).

Galaga (NES-AG-EEC)
101% restored
All texts have been retyped. Illustrations and logos have been vectorized.

NES_Galaga_Miniature.jpg (493.23 Kio) Consulté 32789 fois
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Message(s) : 57
Inscription : 11 Octobre 2014, 11:18

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Sjaaks » 29 Mai 2018, 13:06

I believe most credits go to y(oYo) for the initial restore of the Zelda II box. But there were some error reports of a wrong background color. This is now fixed. I also vectorized the "LINK" logos with Illustrator, looks way better now.

Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link (NES-AL-FAH)
100% restored
All texts have been retyped. Illustrations have been cleaned or recreated.

NES_ZeldaII_Miniature.jpg (480.86 Kio) Consulté 32777 fois
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Message(s) : 57
Inscription : 11 Octobre 2014, 11:18

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par y(oYo) » 30 Mai 2018, 07:39

How did you find which background color is the right one ?
This one seems a bit flashy, doesn't it ?
I believe this won't be the printed color.
What you can do on the JPG file, before publication, is to convert in CMYB (to switch to printed colors), then switch back to RGB.
Just an advice, you can take it or leave it ;)
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Sjaaks » 30 Mai 2018, 11:39

Well, it's clear to me that Nintendo went for the same colors on both the Zelda I and Zelda II boxes.

zelda.jpg (44.93 Kio) Consulté 32737 fois

So, to remain consistent, i chose the same color as was used for the Zelda I box restore we have published here. That way, when printing both boxes, the outcome is the same. Now, if the color still is wrong (the result is different on each printer, so it's hard to judge), then both boxes should be changed. But at least now, the colors of both boxes are matching. If you disagree, i can change it, but in my humble opinion, we should change the Zelda I box as well. ;)

Please let me know if you want me to change the colors...
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Message(s) : 57
Inscription : 11 Octobre 2014, 11:18

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Martwansito » 30 Mai 2018, 14:18

Maybe, we can build up some sort of colour palette. I think that all Konami games (NES) have the same background color: silver RGB (192,192,192), so we all should use that colour.
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Inscription : 08 Avril 2017, 01:44
Localisation : Spain

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par kainrijames » 30 Mai 2018, 18:27

y a certains scanners (un peu vieux) qui interprète mal certaines couleurs métalliques comme celle des boites konami par exemple,on a l'exemple dans la section snes avec Tiny toon adventures buster busts loose la boite ukv est limite verte alors que la version fah que j'ai scanné a un gris assez proche de la boite d'origine même si c'est impossible une fois imprimé d'avoir le rendu métallique.Bref c'est un truc a prendre en compte au moment de faire une retouche essayer d'uniformiser les retouches y a qu'un seul gris sur les boites konami..

good job Sjaaks ;)
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Inscription : 09 Août 2012, 22:18

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Sjaaks » 31 Mai 2018, 08:21


That's a great idea, the trouble is however to have contributers actually use tools like that. And unless you have the PSD files with the seperate layers for the background color, it's pretty hard to change them all in hindsight.


Thanks! And you're right, each scanner creates its own interpretation on color so consistency is hard to deal with. But let's not forget that we're all doing a terrific job here. We can be perfectionists and wish for more, but still we're all doing some really amazing work here, imo.
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Message(s) : 57
Inscription : 11 Octobre 2014, 11:18

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par y(oYo) » 31 Mai 2018, 08:48

@Sjaaks: 100% agree with you!
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Message(s) : 3086
Inscription : 26 Novembre 2009, 14:06
Localisation : Nice (06)

Re: Sjaaks' NintAndBox restores...

Message par Martwansito » 31 Mai 2018, 18:50

@Sjaaks yeah, I've tought about that... It would require to redo the same work twice.

Perhaps the site needs to set up some system to store PSD files, but that would require a lot of time for the administration, efforts and money... Also, I don't know if everybody would be interested in sharing their PSD's. I would do it. That would be useful for other projects like custom cases, people making personalized stuff, etc... All in all, having a not very visible section for logos and restore tools doesn't seem enough for me.

I'm thinking that we can just store them at some external site and compile then in an unique post! Or just upload them at the Restore tools section... I don't know.

Well, apart from that, amazing work sjaaks, your restorations are astonishing :ugeek:
Message(s) : 62
Inscription : 08 Avril 2017, 01:44
Localisation : Spain


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